The Bible appears to be a daunting and scary thing to try to read. I mean, who talks like that anyway? But the truth is, the Bible is a book filled with love stories, action packed adventures, drama, and even comedies! It is also filled with truth, direction, and wisdom that we all so desperately need. You just need to know where to start…RIGHT?! To begin, you must first know that the Bible isn’t a book that you can read chronologically. You can’t just read a chapter to learn everything there is to know about Jesus, and then go to the next chapter to learn everything there is to know about how to become a better Christian. BEFORE YOU START, forget all you’ve ever heard about Jesus, God, and the Bible. Don’t be influenced by what you “want” it to say. Pray first before opening God's Word. Ask for guidance to be able to accept what is written and apply it to your life. JUST DO IT! Begin in the New Testament. It’s too easy to get bogged down in the Old Testament. Don’t try to prove your belief in what you are reading. Human nature will want to take ideas out of context. Read it, digest it, and if need be, read it again. If it’s still unclear, write it down and come back to it later. Take one scripture at a time and ask God to help you understand what it means for you today. As you do, your hunger for the Word will grow more and more! Read the Bible
Read "Mark" (It tells of events in the order they happened)
Read "Matthew" (It has more detailed events and adds more about Jesus)
Read "John" (It contains a lot of the life of Jesus, especially his last two weeks before the crucifixion)
Read "Luke" then "Acts" (Both written by Apostle Paul's traveling companion Luke, Acts is a continuation of Luke and it describes the early church.)
Read "Galatians" (Explains why we’re not bound by the laws of the Old Testament)
Then read the rest of the New Testament, starting at Romans and going to Revelation
Your voyage through God's Word will be the best journey you take! You will laugh and you will cry. It has everything that makes a very good book, and lots more. The Bible will teach you the most important things for this life and the one to come. It is what you live by!